Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Paying Attention FHE

We had a lesson on paying attention.  A teacher, leader, or coach can give the same lesson to a group of people but each of the listeners gain something different from it.  Some are daydreaming and glean nothing.  Others learn some of what is being taught, but not enough to apply it.  AND then there are the few who are actively paying attention and will be rewarded later for what they have learned.  The later may be on a test, in a game or later in life.

I shared a story about two cooks, one recipe, and two different chocolate desserts. 

Then we discussed HOW to pay attention.  Together we came up with ears open, eye contact, mouth shut and body in learning position.


I then printed up THIS quote at Costco and slipped them in little magnetic sleeves from Wal-Mart for their lockers OR bedroom bulletin boards.  The four older kids have lockers at school.  I feel like any little reminder MAY actually remind my kids of what they need to do.  Let’s just hope they apply the lesson!


angela said...

My husband and I were just talking about our kids listening abilities after our last FHE (they are 6 and under). Where did you get the story about the two chefs? It looks like a great FHE lesson we will try and do next week! :) Thanks for your any help. (


Jaymerz said...

this looks like a great FHE lesson, thanks for sharing it!!

Dana said...

Hi Shauna, that sounds like a great lesson and one that could leave a lasting impression! Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of the story?

Sonja said...

I was just fixing to say the same thing that Dana said. I would love that story too. Visuals for my kids help them tremendously. Thanks for sharing!

T.Irwin said...

cute, cute, cute!!

You know I train new employees on the university's computer system...I teach functionality and insurance rules and reporting... not the most exciting content, but it's so intersting to see who does well on the test at the end of the four day training, and how that correlates to them succeeding in their new jobs.

Some don't do well because of attitude and they are usually let go from the work.

Others don't do well because they've let technology pass them by but they try hard and learn..they usually succeed.

Brooke said...

HI--My name is Brooke and I live in Utah. I stumbled upon your blog through Sugardoodle and love it! Could you post a link to the paying attention story? I tried to Google it, but no success. I think I want to do it for FHE tomorrow night. Thanks! Or you could email it to me at

Thank you!

Randi said...

I would love to share this with my early morning seminary class on the first day!
would you send me the story?

randirharris @
thank you SO much!

Jodi said...

I, too, would love a copy of the story to share with my E.M. seminary class. Would you mind sharing?

Anonymous said...

My little boy is having problems at school and i would love to do this.
Please could j have the story too or a link to it?

Marne said...

I would love a copy of the story as well! Thank you!

gramma/mom said...

Are you still sharing copies of the story? Would love to have one for my family and seminary class! thanks!! :)

Anonymous said...

I know this is dated, but do you have a link to the story? Thanks for sharing your creativity!