Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The County Fair

The Spillane’s and us went to the county fair when we came back to the Springs.  We watched a magic show and wild animal show.  We walked around all of the arts, crafts and food exhibits.  We saw plenty of farm animals.  I still wonder what makes one chicken a grand champion over another.  They all seem the same to me.  The kids loved the petting area. 

I wish that we lived on a little farm and my kids could enjoy the animals every day.  Oh well, at least we have the county fair!

Fair Fair2 Fair3 Fair4

The boys loved these water balls.  They looked really hard to balance and do, but the boys found the energy to make them work.  I love how you can see the storm clouds moving in the distance in the pictures.

Fair8 Fair9 Fair10 Fair11  What made the fair even more fun was being with cousins!

Fair5Fair7 Fair6

1 comment:

Teachinfourth said...

I'm not always a huge fan of country fairs, but those 'orbs of death' were pretty impressive AND being able to get fried Twinkies?

Enough said.