Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Helping my Family‏

Successful companies hold regular meetings.  They are constantly watching and discussing ways to improve.  Employees are trained and offered workshops to help them be more effective and useful in their company.  Manuals are printed and studied at work trainings.  Evaluations are used.

If companies see the importance of meetings, evaluations, and  furthering education, shouldn’t we as families?!?   They know this is how to progress, so that they don’t stay stagnate and nonproductive.  We should see the importance of doing these same things for our own family units.  I feel like so many times we get comfortable and do the same things when other ways can make a big difference.

I feel like my own family is my little company.  I try hard to hold regular Family Nights on Mondays.  People always ask why I do that, to which I reply why not!  I have the attention of my family to teach them and address problems before they escalate.  I can’t imagine NOT having my family meetings!  My CEO, Stephen is always discussing with me ways to help each of our children.  We work very hard to teach and train them so that they will be successful when they leave our home.  If there are new ideas about parenting, we read them and try to find the value to apply to our family.

That’s why I’m very excited to share about “The Entitlement Trap” by Richard and Linda Eyre.  It will be released on August 22nd .  Check out the link about their book - HERE

If you pre-order it then you can get a 33% discount.

Every little bit you do, contributes to the success of your family, and isn’t that what we are all striving for.


Cumorah said...

Just ordered it! Who can't use a little help in helping their kids learn to be giving, responsible, and well adjusted? Love your correlation btwn families & corporations. I'm with ya!

Anonymous said...

Love your analogy as usual Shauna. I'm off to check out that book link.


Maria Babin said...

Shauna, The book intrigues me, but how do you know about it? Do you know the authors or have you read one of their other books? I'm curious...