Tuesday, March 15, 2011

She's 10!

Today was Kaylee's actual birthday.  We just celebrated with her friends a little early.

Since she turned 10, we told her she could get her ears pierced.  I took her out of school for a little date and we headed off to Claire's.  Of course I had my camera in my purse and took a picture of her looking into the mirror after the lady had finished.  I LOVED her sweet, little smile....

Ear Pierced

We then headed over to Jamba Juice for a little Razzmatazz.  I so enjoy Kaylee's personality and talking with her. 

When we got back to the school and took in a treat to the kids, they got to ask Kaylee questions and talk about her.  They all told me about what a prankster she is and how she gets them every time, until she gets the giggles.  She has such a funny sense of humor.  The kids also went on about how fast she, and how she plays with the boys basketball and soccer.  I stood there listening to them thinking, ya that's my Kaylee!

Kay Bday Cake

Kaylee, you are such a sweetheart.  Always quick to help another or to make someone smile.  You are incredibly athletic and have coaches, refs and parents commenting on how good you are.  Basketball and soccer are your favorite sports right now.  Yet, you enjoy running too.  You are also getting good on the piano.  Dad and I enjoy listening to you practice.  You put so much emotion into your pieces.  You also enjoy sewing, crafting, and cooking.  The family loves when you make your famous brownies and other desserts. 

We just LOVE you soooo much Miss Kaylee Elizabeth!  Happy Birthday!


Km said...

Oh my what a treasure... She will never forget that moment with her newly pierced ears! I bet you were glad you had your camera. Happy birthday to your sweetie!!!!!!!

Maria Babin said...

i've also got one that just turned 10, but no pierced ears, just go-karting! i love the softness of the mirror picture and yes it is such a sweet smile!

Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

:) that is a sweet picture, Happy Birthday to Kaylee!

T.Irwin said...

I got my ears pierced for my 12th bday....they have since closed up. (LOL!) Not a fan of jewelry.

Teachinfourth said...

Happy Birthing Day to you!

Missy said...

That is such a precious photo. As a mom to all boys, I sometimes long for a girl to share those moments with! My son Jason turned 9 on the 15th!!