What is a favorite toy for your long road trips? One of the LEAST messy toys that all the kids doodled on was this
It is awesome!You fill the pen with water and let them draw and play tic tac toe to their hearts content. You can check it out here - Aquadoodle Travel Doodle
What kind of games do you play as you travel? A favorite is family trivia. The kids earn points and then can pick a treat based on points at the next gas station. Questions are middle names of grandparents, favorite cereal of family members, birthdates, favorite movie or best friend of different family members... you get the picture. The kids LOVE to play this and learn about the family at the same time. I also like to bring the Scene It cards from the game and ask Disney trivia. We also play A thru Z. We start with A and yell out movies, food... whatever theme you decide and then when we have found one with A we move on to Z. Some letters are hard, but we manage to find something for each one. Starter stories is another fun game. Although it always seems like the boys kill off the characters when it's their turn to add to the story.
Anyway, hope that helps with the questions and trips coming up. Driving does take FOREVER, BUT you do save money AND it can be fun bonding time!!!!!
I read your blog all the time & don't think I ever left a comment! We love Aquadraw around here, it's great fun, and we don't have to worry about the mess.
Thanks for all the travel advice! We've got a big trip coming up in a few weeks. I will definitely be using some of these ideas!
yay for krazy ball... it sounds so fun! Thanks :)
I'm not sure how I happened upon your blog over a year ago, but I just LOVE it!! You're such a good photographer and I love all the fun stuff you do with your kids. You're very inspiring. You have a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing.
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