Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Chin Karaoke

The older girls had friends over.  These girls are performers and wanted something to do.  So we dressed up a few chins and did a little karaoke.  Then we mixed in a play that Elizabeth and Kaylee wrote up, printed and directed.  We videotaped them so that they could see themselves and each other.

The girls were giggling so hard that it was tricky getting pictures.  Jerrica was thrilled to be part of it and even had her own line to say in the play.  Here are some of the characters of today's performance...



Rebecca's chin made a sweet little bookworm guy...


I was amazed at how a little activity could turn into such a production.  Awesome job girls!


Km said...

I love this!! We did a life-size upside down person show when I was a kid. It really is stuff like this that they will never forget!!

Christine said...

I so want to leave you a photo of my kiddos performing their chinshow for Father's Day. It was a hoot! We laughed and laughed. Thank you for your post it reminded me of the fun my sister and I had performing with our chins growing up!