Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Stephen is a huge post-it notes guy.  He is always good to have sweet notes on my mirror using post its. In fact there are some in there right now as I type.   The reasons I think he uses these are

  1. They are cheap.  It’s like a hundred little cards for the price of one.
  2. They can easily be stuck to anything with no effort.
  3. They sit on his desk as a reminder to write a sweet note.
  4. AND he knows how much I enjoy them.


Well yesterday I picked up Kaylee from practice and we headed over to get Nathan.  We usually have to wait a bit.  Kaylee got busy going through Stephen’s car and found a pad of his Post Its.  She proceeded to write a ton of notes and stuck them EVERYWHERE for her dad to find.  I sat there thinking of how Stephen always does these post it notes and I have never done it back to him.  Kaylee was all giggly as she would write. 

Anyway, Post-its ARE a quick way to make someone SMILE!  Thanks for all my post-it notes over the years Stephen!


T.Irwin said...

Reading your post makes me smile.

I love to put little comments on the computers of my coworkers using my post it notes....sometimes they are filled with a smile or "let's go to lunch"; and other times they are ways for me to communicate some quick little message ("check the email I just sent you.") :)

I love to make a message on the mirror in the bathroom for my husband to find when he steps out of the's fun to hear him chuckle when he finds it.

Teachinfourth said...

They are a great way to make others smile...