Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween Decor

Yes I LOVE holidays!  It's just fun to change things up a bit around here.  I thought that I would post a few more of our Halloween Decorations.

My absolute favorite is our giant metal pumpkin that sits by our fireplace.  His backside opens up and the little girls are always hiding stuff in him....


This is our little canning lid, that is now a pumpkin magnet for our fridge...


I was at my sister, Alesha's, and had seen her beautiful ceramic pumpkins.  I commented on them and the next thing I knew I had a box of hand me downs in the mail WITH the beautiful pumpkins.  I then found this owl to add as a third object to my little end table display....


Fell in love with this metal witch's hat.  Of course it needed a picture of a witch beside it....


Our holiday shelf is in full display.  Ash takes pride in her  picture with the poisonous mushroom....


We do have a couple other fun areas.  I covered our branches in the piano room with dollar store crows and then Steve always hangs a giant spider web on our porch with two huge spiders.  I should take a picture of a couple other things and post them in a part three of the decor.

Yes I know I'm a nerd posting decorations on my blog.  I kinda like it though, because it gives me a good reference to go back to see how I arranged various objects.  A lady the other day was talking to me about my blog.  She said, "Now is it a family blog or craft blog, I can't quite tell what kind of blog you have..."  I was like, I don't know what it is.... it's just a bunch of randomness that I enjoy writing about and taking pictures of.  SOOO I guess you can call it a Random Blog!


Pam said...

It's a creative, inspirational, educational, inspired blog and sooooo much more! I love it! AND, I love that you post pictures of your decor....I personally want to see more. In fact, I would rather meet the Thompsons than any hollywood celebrity any day! So please, do feel free to post as many pictures of your decor as possible!

Carina said...

You don't need to have one category for your blog. It is a blog of what you love and what inspires you. Thankfully Heavenly Father didn't make us one faceted. It is a joy to see all of the things that make up a persons life who tries to raise a righteous family and have fun at the same time. I think you might have checked out my blog today. Why not, turn about is fair play, though mine is not as great as yours. I have been snooping every since SugarDoodle posted a link about your Fun Movie night when the kids earned tickets by cleaning. I love to read your blog and love your pictures. One day I hope to take pics like that.

Jacqueline said...

I have no idea if it's nerdy or not - I just know that I like looking at your decor pictures! I don't do Halloween because of the wicca connections, but your other picture wall pics gave me the idea for doing something similar in my house. So keep right on being nerdy!

Teachinfourth said...

I need to get some 'manly' Halloween decorations...

Maggie said...

I resorted to photographing my decorations after ending up with about 15 rubbermaid tubs of Christmas decor and not remembering where what went... when you have that much stuff you have to have a clear idea where it's going. There are certain precise spots that will only fit a few exact itmes.... it's an exact science! :)

First time to your site. Your kids are absolutely beautiful! I spend a lot of money dyeing my brown hair "cinnamon auburn" to resemble theirs!