Sunday, October 10, 2010

You Get This...

You take a pair of these pruners...


In the hands of the littlest sister AND you get this...


We are very grateful that it wasn't severed AND that there is such a thing as medical super glue to seal it back shut.


Rachel S. Smith said...

So scary! Glad it wasn't worse! Those tools always creep me out! I just know someone is going to sever something!!!!

Lorie said...

Oh no!!! Thank goodness for medical super glue!

And her faces always crack me up!

Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

Oh my goodness, poor girl! I'm glad she's okay :)

Janessa said...

Talk about a picture that is worth a thousand words. That look on her face speaks volumes! So cute in a sad way. I'm glad she's okay:)