Thursday, August 9, 2012

Utah Trip

We went to pick up Jacob from EFY.  He had went out the previous weekend with five other friends.

We made plans.  We changed plans.  We ended up making a trip of it FILLED with family and friends!

We went to see how stained glass is made and blown.  Some of the temples stained glass comes from this very place.  We then went home and made our own quick stained glass project.

 Stained Glass


We had our own little mini Olympics with torch and events.  However, the dessert we ate is NOT going to give us the abs like the Olympians.  AND Ashley is obviously in the boxing event…

     Utah6Utah5 We ran to get Subway one afternoon and noticed this fun park.  Could we drive by, uh NO!




Utah is filled with family and friends.  It’s so hard on quick trips to see everyone.  We stayed with Aunt Alesha.  We also saw Aunt Janna’s family, Aunt Erin, and then spent an evening with Uncle Jamin’s family.  Too bad Stephen wasn’t with us to see all of his siblings. 



We had pizza in the park, and then swimming with the Ruides’. We went for ice cream treats at DQ with Erin.

We went to Temple Square one morning.  The landscaping and flowers are always so beautiful.  While we were there we stopped in at the Church History Museum.  I couldn’t get the girls away from the big skirts and Mexican dance video.

 Utah6 Utah7   

Alesha and I took the kids up to an alpine slide.  Ashley rode with me.  As we were nearing the platform to get off the chairlift there was a huge net below.  Ash said, “Sweet, when can we jump off the chair into the net”.  I explained that we couldn’t jump into it.  The net was only there for safety purposes.  Then as we rode the slide she of course didn’t want to use any brake whatsoever.  I sat there thinking, ‘how can this be my daughter’. 

Utah11  Utah12

Alesha always sends us home with a bag of goodies.  She will make us a music or comedy CD and then throw in tons of sweet treats and car games.  I couldn’t resist leaving a few gifts for her kids.  Hayley was swimming at State this weekend, so we bought her a new towel.


Kaylee had a bit of an accident while we were there.  Some of her flesh was left in the asphalt outside of Alesha’s house.  I gave her a pedicure, kept moist burn dressings on it and gave her lots of love, BUT it still really hurt her.  This is a picture of it a week AFTER it happened.

the Foot

Rebecca loves to get makeovers from Aunt Alesha, complete with make-up and a fancy up do’s.  We checked that off the list of to do’s.


We had such a great trip!  I love to talk, giggle and share ideas with Alesha.  She is so fun to be with.  I wish that we lived closer!


The Hammond Family Blog said...

I love some of the ideas you and your family come up with, Thanks for sharing them out here in cyberspace.
I love taking Utah trips!!! The LDS church's children's museum is always a stop we make!!! The dancing is always fun to watch. Even the boys sometimes have to be peeled away! But I think I need to know where that park is located for our next fun filled UTah adventure will you share it???

janel said...

Here I am stalking your blog, and then I see the splash pad/playground we just visited, too! Small world. Thanks for your always-uplifting blog. Reading your thoughts makes me want to be a better person. And to take 100 photography classes. And to die my hair red. : )