Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I have been thinking a lot about focus with my kids, husband, and even areas in my life.

When I’m taking a picture I always have something that I want “in” focus, and the center of my photo.  I then adjust my camera.  Sometimes I want my focus to be really sharp and contain a lot of detail, with the background blurred so that all my attention is on the main object.

Focus Other times I set my camera so that the full picture can be seen in the photo.  This always gives me the setting and some description of what is going on around the subject.  However, detail on the individual subject can not be seen as well, and the attention is not on the individual.


It seems like at times I run with the big picture without focusing on details.  When I don’t zoom in every once in a while, I don’t focus on specific details.  I see that everything is there and looks good, but neglect the little things that are there as well because I am not as focused on them.  I feel like I need to blur out the rest of my kids when I’m trying to focus on something specific with one of them.  Sure they are still there (believe me I can hear them), but the focus may be on another because they need that attention.  I need that blur so that I can scrutinize the details and see how I can help.  I can’t do that when I’m concentrating on a  “big” picture.

Yes, the big picture is important, but so are the close ups.  LOTS of close ups in different areas of the big picture.  Yes they may be filled with bees and bugs when you look close, but the close ups also allow you to appreciate the beauty and good that is already there, which is sometimes lost in the big picture.

It’s all in the focus.  :)

1 comment:

T.Irwin said...

Shauna, very nice thoughts and a great way of explaining the feelings.

I found this to be very true with me as well. I can get so caught up and distracted without focusing on details in my life (details that matter, anyway).

Both have an important place in our lives.