Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fat the Cat

We have a cat named Fat.  Nathan named him that to make the little girls upset.  They kept trying to call him Skinny, but the rhyme of Fat the Cat has stuck.

Fat is Jerrica’s baby. 


He is an outdoor cat, and Miss Jerrica spends A LOT of time with him outside.  He lets her carry him like a baby.  He sits and purrs as she reads him her mountain of books.  She loves to scold and boss him.  They are just cute together!

Fat Fat2 Fat3

She is thrilled to have her baby to play with since all of her siblings have gone back to school.  Today she told me, “I’m glad that there isn’t a Cat School”.

I had to get a picture of her and Fat for this years picture book.  He is just such a big part of her life.  So here is the picture of Jerrica saying “cheese” as I am saying “mouse” to Fat.  :)


1 comment:

Jamie M. said...

So cute!! We just got a cat and the kids can not get enough of him.