Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Oh how we have enjoyed this summer!  I feel like I have left so much out of my blog.  Will I remember all of it?  Probably not.  We have loved the friends, sleepovers, picnics and parties.  We have enjoyed the scout camps, sports camps, and pretend camps in the backyard.

There are food, sights and sounds that are “just summer”.

Oh how I have loved sitting by the side of the pool with the kids laughing and splashing.  Add the sound of the pool music and a chatting friend … I’m in heaven.  I have just really enjoyed the pool this summer! 

Paint Mines3

Summer is slipping by quickly, but oh how we have LOVEd it!

 Tire Swing


Letti said...

I feel the same way. We have had a fun bus summer and my blog has been neglected big time. I am trying to catch up and hopefully now that my kids have been back to school for three weeks I will get it all caught up.

km said...

breathtaking pics! beautiful memories... I think you WILL remember all of it in your HEART...maybe not the details, but all of the love and joy! :):)