Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sewing PJ’s

The girls have been begging to sew.  The boys not so much.  So when Jacob left for EFY we pulled out the sewing machine and whipped up some PJ shorts, pants and capris.  I told Kaylee to grab my camera and she became our photographer for the afternoon…

 PJ's2 PJ's3 PJ's4 PJ's5

I even managed to convince a certain bored person to come and sew.  He decided to make a small pillow for his scout camping trip.  I’m so glad that he hung out with us and sewed.  He was so funny and kept us smiling all afternoon.  Sure love this boy!



Then what do you do after you make PJ’s?  You have a pajama party.  I don’t know what the deal is with the headbands, but the jumping on Ashley’s bed was definitely a party!

PJ's PJ's2 PJ's3This year the older girls did pretty much ALL of their own by themselves.  It was so nice to see how much they have learned.  I think I may have little seamstresses.

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