Monday, April 30, 2012

The Lilacs

My lilacs are beautiful this year…


I have six bushes that border around my raised bed boxes…


The smell out there is heavenly!  I love seeing how much the lilac bushes grow each year.  They are turning into a nice little wind break for my garden.

This weekend we also went to Phelan Gardens.  They were having their Arbor Day festivities.  My girls did a little scavenger hunt around the gardens and each got a little pine seedling.  I let them each pick where they wanted to plant their seedlings when we got home.  Excited to have FOUR more trees growing!


I absolutely LOVE planting and gardening!


Summer Spillane Jordan said...

I do too! I don't know what it is that brings you so much closer to nature when you plant something you'll get to nurture and care for. I spend more hours out doors now than I ever do indoors! It's so fun to always see what you're putting in the ground!

Teachinfourth said...

Lilacs are one of my favorite spring flowers. There's just something abou the smell that reminds me of my past life.