Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Ankle

Stephen loves to play volleyball.  He has a jump serve that is amazing, and he knows how to put the ball down with his hits.

However, he still hasn’t learned how to come down from those big hits…


This picture shows how black and blue it is, but doesn’t show the swelling.  Saturday after hobbling around to Ashley’s acting performance, volleyball and soccer games, his ankle was HUGE.  I wish that I would have gotten a picture of it. 

He has been good to elevate it, wrap it, ice it, and thanks to Elaine’s crutches, has kept off of it.  Injuries just take time to heal.  I feel bad for him when I see him do his little ice water bucket baths.  It has to hurt!

Stephen IS Stephen though.  Our family was in charge of cleaning the church building with another family on Saturday.  We were going to do our portion on Friday, but the four older kids were off to parties and sleepovers.  I told Stephen we would just have to fit it in on Saturday.  Stephen woke up at 5:30am and went to clean it by himself to get it done.  I don’t know how he did it hobbling around on those crutches, but he did!  He is always so quick to serve without an excuse.

Anyway, his ankle is getting better, I keep telling him that it can only get better.


Nicole said...

Ooooh... Poor ankle :(

tren said...

Ohhh, Poor Stephen!