Friday, November 19, 2010

Medieval Day

Today was BUSY with a preschool feast, Native American day for Rebecca, Medieval Day for Kaylee, afternoon Skate City, Nathan birthday party to go to, Nathan basketball practice, Jacob camp out with scouts, Rebecca Jazz class, and Kaylee basketball tournament started tonight with TWO games.  I was having anxiety trying to get to everything.  Stephen was like, "Relax, we will get it all done"  AND he was right we made through the day!

LOTS of fun pictures but wanted to post these of Kaylee tonight.  I try to get pictures of the kids in the morning when they have these special days at school.  So I dragged Rebecca and Kaylee out before they left for school.  There is never enough time in the morning, but I sure try.  Kaylee insisted on wearing the cloak that I had made for the boys when they had medieval day.  She had a fancy costume dress under it.
   She is so fun to take pictures of because she gets SOOOO giggly....

Medievel5ED Medievel2    Medievel4ED

Just wanted to add Kaylee's activities.  One room was a monastery where they copied quotes with a feather and inkwell.  The room was all black except for little candles on the desks and a stain glass sticky on the window.  They took a vow of silence before they entered the room and were given Shepherd bread and water to eat.

Med Day2

One room was a market where they were given coins to barter with.  They could buy Robin Hood hats, shields, goblets, wands and then food as well.

Med Day

Another classroom was a castle where they had a little feast with chicken legs and other yummy food all together at a long table.

Med Day3

They jousted in the gym on stick horses with a noodle and dangling ring.

Med Day4

The other room had sheets that hung all around that had a forest scene on them.  It was the Sherwood Forest.  There they learned and did a little dance with partners.

Med Day5

AND that was Medieval Day!


T.Irwin said...

I love these pictures...she's so cute! She has a contagious smile.

As usual, you captured her perfectly.

Ryan M. Spillane said...

She is so pretty!! I can just hear her giggling as you are taking pictures.

Teachinfourth said...

So, Lord-of-the-Ringsish…

These are great.