Thursday, March 1, 2012

Denver Art Museum

I got this text yesterday afternoon….


Jacob’s school art teacher sent one of his paintings to Denver for an art competition.  It was a self portrait, Andy Warhol style.  Jake received an honorable mention ribbon for it.  A person from the Denver Art Museum attended the competition and chose a handful of the works to be put in the Denver Art Museum.  Jake’s was one of them.

When you have a work of art on display at the Denver Art Museum you get to attend a fancy, little luncheon.  He is sooooo stoked to have a piece of his work in the museum.  I think it makes it even more exciting because we “know” the Denver Art Museum and how huge it is and how many hundreds of people go through it daily.

We are so proud of him!!!!


Juf said...

Wow, congratulations!

Natalie said...

Who knew our sweet little Jakey would be famous! Congratulations!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! He is very talented!


charlacoley said...

Congratulations, our Jacob!!!
We are so proud of you. Love, g-ma & g-pa Coley

Mom said...

Congratulations, our Jacob! We are so-o-o- proud of you!

Nicole S said...

That is amazingly awesome! He should be thrilled! He has a great (and growing) talent. Wish I could visit it for myself... will you post pictures, please? :)

km said...

YAY! HOORAY! so incredible!!!! I hope you get a picture of him by his masterpiece... can't wait to see it.