Thursday, March 15, 2012

Kaylee’s Birthday

My little Kaylee is ELEVEN.  I can’t believe it! 

Kaylee2 A friend leaned over last night, and told me that Kaylee looks older.  When I looked over at her giggling with friends, I got sad because she DID look older.  Why do kids have to grow up?!?!

This year was not a friend party year, much to her dismay.  I asked her how she wanted to celebrate her birthday and being a “foodie” like her dad, she requested Subway brought in for lunch, and then a dinner date with Stephen and I to “My Big Fat Greek Restaurant”.  It was soooo delicious!

Kaylee is the sweetest girl.  She is quick to pick up a toddler or help a little sister.  She has lots of friends at school, church and on her sports’ teams.  She has a funny sense of humor.  Kaylee LOVES sports and plays so intensely.  Soccer is her favorite right now (until I convince her that basketball is better).  She also enjoys running and volleyball.  She is a great pianist and sings with such a cute, raspy voice.  She also enjoys cooking, baking, sewing and craft projects. 

We are so lucky to have you in our family!


tren said...

Oh, Shauna, basketball is NOT better than soccer! Happy Birthday to Kaylee!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter! :)

T.Irwin said...

She is adorable and I hope she had a great bday. I remember being 11 like it was only a couple of years ago. When I read my diary, I see the list of boys I was in love with in the order that I was in love with them. LOL! I hope she has an amazing year!