Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Middle School Volleyball

We took Kaylee to her yearly check up last month.  She had only grown 1 inch and gained 2 pounds in the last year.  (I can gain 2 pounds in a WEEK!) She was in the 3rd percentile on the chart for her age group.  The doctor was concerned about this and ordered a bone age x-ray.  She even told Kaylee that “athletics would probably be hard due to her size”.  (Who says stuff like this!)  Well, the concern was apparent and Kaylee left feeling “small”.

The tears flowed and a pep talk from me ensued.  I reassured her that she was just fine!  She immediately started talking about sports, and how this would affect her.  Kaylee LOVES sports.  I told her that she can be just as big as she wants to be on the court or field. 

Well she listened to me, but I didn’t listen to myself.  The next week was try-outs for volleyball.  44 girls tried out for the 7th grade team.  There were only 12 spots.  Kaylee begged to do it.  She had a lot of friends trying out and of course wanted to play middle school sports.

However, there were girls trying out that had been playing club volleyball for a few years.  There were girls that were REALLY good players.  SO all week I let her know that she probably wasn’t going to make it.  I know, I’m bad and should have been encouraging her.  Yet, I felt I needed to prepare her for the blow.

WELL, she made the team, and is even a starter on the team!  I guess she really CAN be just as big as she wants to be!  Let me reiterate that she IS small, especially around volleyball girls….




It has been tricky making all of the volleyball games and practices, and still making it to all the club soccer.  Her 6am volleyball practices and games right after school sure have helped the schedule. 

Kaylee adores her team.  This is the first time she has played a sport with school friends.  The coaches have the girls doing secret teammates, where they give each other special notes and treats.  They have a couple really fun team parties planned.  It has been perfect for Kaylee, especially after finding out that she is “little”.

Vball Vball3  Vball5 Vball6    

Sure have a big place in my heart for my little red head!


Alice said...

Go Kaylee! My sister and I were really small, too. (Someone even anonymously sent my mom info. on growth hormone treatments for my sis! Bleh!) We kicked tail in sports though no matter--we were fast! I held two school records for running, and she went on to be come a nurse practioner and is totally winning! It's all about attitude and work ethic. That can make up for a lot!

Kerry said...

Just goes to show that dynamite DOES come in small packages!

tren said...

Way to go, Kaylee!