Tuesday, September 10, 2013

High School Soccer

I missed Nathan’s first two soccer games last week.  They were both in north Denver on weekdays right after school.  It just wasn’t possible with the schedule.  The first game I got a text from him that said, “We Won 3 to 1.  I scored a Goal.”  I felt so sad that I had missed it.

He had a home game tonight under the lights with Sandcreek.  I maneuvered all of the kids and rides home from activities and sat there under the lights watching my Nathan.  He was awesome!  He plays attacking mid and uses all of his foot skills to deliver the ball from one teammate to another.  He is always talking about this big kid who is a Junior and plays forward.  He tells me how nice this kid is to him and how much he praises him.  Well after tonight I can see why, Nathan assists him with the sweetest passes ever so that this kid can score goal after goal.  Here they are after one such goal, probably making plans for the next. :)

Nate Soc6

Here is a cool little series of photos from tonight.  He wants to shoot with his right, so he draws the player over just enough to his left so that he has all the room in the world to shoot with his right.

 Nate Soc0 Nate Soc2 Nate Soc

So grateful that I was able to watch him tonight.

So fun watching your kids do something that they enjoy!

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