Sunday, September 15, 2013


Last week the office called me and told me that Ashley had bumped her head in PE and I needed to pick her up.  It was an hour before school got out and we are 30 mins. from the school, so I asked if she was fine until school was out.  The nurse said, “we aren’t allowed to keep students here with an injury such as this.”

Off I went to pick her up.  When I saw her sure enough there was a HUGE bump on her forehead.  The office staff assured me that she looked much better since the ice.  She had tripped as she was running in PE and fell head first into a concrete wall.  They were concerned about a concussion.

Ash of course needed some ibuprofen and some mommy love.

Well the next day the fluid from the forehead settled down into the bridge of her nose.  The swelling of that area then made her eyes seem farther apart.  She just looked “different” than our regular Ash.  Kaylee was adamant that she had some type of plastic surgery because her face looked so different.  I have just been sad for her every time I look into those sweet eyes.

She is still swollen a bit on that bridge of her nose, and now the bruising is getting darker.  Poor girl!



Kat said...

Poor girl! I must admit, I was worried about a concussion when you said she bumped her forehead. I had a concussion back in March and it was the worst 5 weeks I can ever remember (and some of it I don't remember, like Easter!)

Glad she is ok and hopefully the bruising will go away quickly!

Kids and Canning Jars said...

Poor baby! I was coming to your blog today to tell you about Ashley's picture on I know you have a disclaimer to NOT use any pictures of your kids. Anyway, it is a popular Halloween pin for the name skeleton. Just an FYI...
I hope she feels better,