Friday, December 7, 2012

Nutcracker Time

We have had Nutcracker rehearsals this week.  Tonight is yet another and then the performance on Saturday.  Ashley is a mouse and a Chinese dancer.


Ash loves performing.  She loves playing with friends back stage.  She loves the costumes and make-up.

I hate all of the time that I sit there waiting for her at the rehearsals.  I sit there thinking of all that I need to be doing at home.  The audience area is dark so you can’t read or work on projects.

Last night Ashley would come out of the dressing room and out to the audience to check on me.  She would tuck her arm around my neck and snuggle me as we would watch some of the dance numbers.  Then she would hug me and bound back to the dressing room to find her friends.  I loved how she kept checking on me and was glad that I was there to help her with a little extra lipstick or help find parts of her costumes.  It was good one on one time with my diva, even if it was a long night.


I think I’m sending Steve with her tonight.   BUT then again, I will be the one left to run Jacob to a party, Becca to basketball …  I guess I better take her …


whitesilkpurse said...

Cute, cute blog!

Would you please email me the 12days printable?

Many thanks,

Just Another Mummy Blog said...

As a theater kid, I always appreciated and loved knowing my dad was in the audience watching rehearsals when I was young. As I got older, I could drive myself and he didn't need to wait for me, but he would pop in every once in a while to watch a rehearsal and it always made me feel really special.

You're doing a really awesome and important thing for her and one day, when she is driving herself to rehearsals and telling you, "I'll just grab dinner between shows with the rest of the cast, see ya later" I bet you'll miss sitting in that dark theater. Waiting.

Just wanted to give you an encouraging word. :)