This was Melissa’s favorite quote from the book….
“When the kids come home for a family reunion, I like to listen to their banter back and forth about the experiences they had growing up, and which had the greatest impact on their lives. I typically have no memory of the events they recall as being important. And when I ask them about the times when Jim and I sat them down specifically to share what we thought were foundationally important values of our family, well, the kids have no memory of any of them. I guess the thing to learn from this is that children will learn when they are ready to learn, not when we’re ready to teach them….Your parents most likely weren’t thinking consciously about teaching you the right priorities at the time—but simply because they were there with you in those learning moments, those values became your values too. Which means that first, when children are ready to learn, we need to be there. And second, we need to be found displaying through our actions the priorities and values we want our children to learn.”
Isn’t this so true. I know there have been times that I’m in a teaching mode and no one is listening and then times when my kids are learning and watching me that I’m not even aware of.
Anyway, between this quote and Stephen’s reviews, I’m reading it next.
Here is the link for the book - How Will You Measure Your Life?
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