Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Favorite Part


Of all those fun pictures, this is one of my favorites because of the memories.  We were there during holiday hours, which meant the park was open from 8am until midnight.  We would get there right when the parks opened and then in the early evening head back to our hotel for a little break, so that we could go strong into the night.  There is something magical about the park, rides and fireworks at night.  Autotopia and Cars ROCK at night!

Anyway, as we would head back to our hotel we would talk and laugh about the day’s adventures so far, the rides, the people and just analyze our day at Disneyland.  I LOVED hearing what stood out to the kids.  I LOVED having just my kids around me, no crowds, no friends, just my kids bubbling over with excitement. 

One night as we were heading back to the parks Stephen ran back to grab something from the hotel.  I had the “brilliant” idea to climb across this low, prickly hedge and hide from him in the dark.  Well, of course two of the girls got all scratched up in climbing and falling  into the hedge.  Then to top it off, as Stephen walked by instead of us sneaking out to attack him from behind, Jerrica yells, “we are hiding over here, dad”.  All of that hiding in vain!  Yet, this little scenario was on one of the kids lists of what they enjoyed on our vacation.

I don’t know why, but I just loved these little walks back to the hotel each day, and this picture reminds me of those walks.

1 comment:

Letti said...

Whenever I am at Disneyland I feel happy. It really is the happiest place on earth. I love seeing it through my kids eyes as well. It sounds like your family enjoyed it.