Sunday, June 24, 2012

Becca’s Book Club

Rebecca hosted her first book club this week, and did such an awesome job!  I preached to her the night before about making each guest feel special and not just clinging to her BFF.  We had budgeted and planned the crafts and treat.  So all in all I thought this was good practice for her as she holds future clubs and parties.

The book was Jennifer Murdley’s Toad.  The morning of the club she BEGGED Kaylee to wear her toad shirt.  She was just so cute at all of the details for the afternoon.

Book Club3

We picked quite a few words from the book and played Pictionary as girls were arriving.  It was cute how the Pictionary started discussion.

The book talked about how “objects in the mirror are not as they appear”.  We bought mirrors at the dollar store to decorate.  Rebecca also wanted to do some type of a bookmark.  We made frog ones with a quote from the book.  The ribbon is like a frog’s tongue with the little black bead like a fly.  The girls LOVED making the projects.

Book Club

Rebecca led the discussion and had questions all written up for the discussion.

Book Club4

We ended the afternoon with an ice cream treat.  I should have taken a picture of all the cute girls that were here.

You did it Rebecca from start to finish!  :)

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