Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Simpich Marionette Theater

We went years ago to the Simpich Doll tour that showed how they made these amazing little dolls.  They are probably 6 inches tall and retail for $150 and up.


Then this summer a friend had went to their newly opened theater and was quite impressed with the show.

So today I took the four older kids to his Hans Christian Anderson program.  The marionettes were beautiful just like the dolls.  Simpich did all the voices, told the various stories and was incredible.  He created so many different personalities with his various voices.  He has traveled all over doing shows and finally decided to come back to Old Colorado City and settle down with this little theater.

We fell in love with the cute little “Ugly Duckling” marionette.  As we heard each story (The Little Match Girl, The Brave Tin Soldier, Little Mermaid (not Disney’s remake), Snow Queen…)  Characters kept dying and Jacob leaned over commenting on how morbid Hans Christian Anderson was.  But then he twisted all the stories together and talked about the word “Eternal” and how the characters live on because of what they stood for and did while they were alive. 

Anyway, here is the picture of Simpich himself off of his website.


I was excited to hear my girls requesting me to put Hans Christianson Anderson books on hold at the library.  What an incredibly, creative man!  I wonder how many stories he wrote?!?

1 comment:

Becki Madsen said...

You are such a creative mom, where do you find all of these activities?!