Friday, May 16, 2014

State Swim and Prom Same Night

Somehow we didn’t look at the calendar.  State Swim was clear up on the north side of Denver and Mormon Prom at Cathedral Pines was on the same night.

Jacob had asked Alyssa a month before with a Fanta 2 liter that said “Wanta go to Prom”.  We bought the suit, bow tie, flowers, … everything and just hoped and prayed that he would make it back for the Prom.

He swam three events at State.  Two relays and then the 50 butterfly…


SOOO proud of my Jacob!  He showered after his events and then got ready in the van on the way back to the Springs.  I sat there thinking that a girl could NEVER do this before a Prom, yet a boy could pull it off. 

I’m sure he was exhausted for Prom.  They played games after the dance at Alyssa’s.  We had to have him back up at State the next morning.


Busy night filled with memories!


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