Tuesday, May 27, 2014

School is OUT

This month has been filled with concerts, banquets, end of season parties, field trips, special days, …...  It is all over and school is out!

On Thursday when the girls all got home we went through backpacks.  Saved special assignments and papers, then trashed the rest.  It felt so good throwing those backpacks in the washer and hanging them up to dry for next year!


I was amazed at the duct tape holding binders together.  I can’t believe Kaylee was actually able to participate in PE with these shoes.  They may not look that bad in the picture, but once you get a foot in them that hole is spread wide!  Her toes can even come out the side.  I guess we should’ve used duct tape on them!


Jerrica helped me get the summer basket all set out.  It is filled with flip flops, summer camps, water balloons, science experiments, bubble gum with the hike book, treats, games, roller skating passes, library summer reading flyer …  I wish you could see all the fun stuff down in there.  The kids were so excited!

 Summer Basket

Stephen took the family out to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate the last day of school!

We also ended the night at the library to get a head start on the books the kids have to read for summer.  The piles of books made me smile!  Jerrica has been obsessed with this book.  She has never seen the movie.  “Mom, Fern just saved the baby pig from her dad’s ax”  “Mom he has a friend that’s a SPIDER!”  I love that toothless grin sharing her book with me!

Charlottes Web2

We have already done three fun activities that I need to blog and document.  I am so behind with all my picture folders!  BUT I’m going to catch up this summer!  Catch up with everything that has been waiting for me! :)


Lorna said...

I loved that book, must look for it in the library am sure my 4yr old would love it. We are on the count down to school holidays with just over 4 weeks to go :) looking like its going to be a busy 4 weeks. You have inspired me to get on and sort a summer bucket for when they get home on the last day of school

Susannah said...

I love the idea of a summer tub of goodies - I'm going to start compiling things now! Our school is not out here in Canada for another month (June 26th) which gives me some time. I love when the kids get into a great book from my childhood. Reading Narnia now with my 8 year old.

Have a fun summer!