Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Spring Sports

Spring sports are slowly but surely winding down.  It has been so fun to watch each of them in activities that they excel in. 

I was talking with my oldest, Jacob, the other day about how important it is in our lives to have times of failure.  IF we always won.  IF we always had great success.  IF it was never hard.  Would we truly appreciate the wins and triumphs?  Would we really double down and work hard to achieve something that we struggle at? 

I’m grateful for those times that are difficult, and when my kids have to struggle because it makes them work even harder.  AND all of that extra practice and time they put into something makes them better people in the end!  :)

Here are some of our highlights from the Spring sports…


Blizzards canceled a lot of Nathan’s track meets this year.  He rocked the 800m.  He also loved his 4 x 400 relay.  Those boys were FAST!


Jacob is a freshman, and made the 100m butterfly seem effortless in the 5A school division!  He also swam the butterfly in the medley relay.  He leaves for State on Thursday.  :)


Everyone knows my feelings on soccer, but these three LOVE it!  Kaylee is by far the smallest and youngest on her team, yet always gives it her all like she is just as big as the rest.  Her team made it to the State Cup semi finals.  Rebecca does try-outs this year.  She plays a mid field striker position and can send through balls like no one else is on the field!


Then the YMCA volleyball finishes up this week.  These two turn their team’s would be losses into wins each week.  I am amazed at how they can save a ball anywhere on the court! 

So there you have it for Spring sports!  We have Ashley’s dance dress rehearsal tonight.  :/  That will have to be another post.

So grateful for all of the coaches out there that help my children.  They not only teach them a sport but teach them values that will benefit them for life.  ESPECIALLY, the value of hard work! 

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