Monday, May 6, 2013

Backyard Soccer

The weekend was FILLED!  The big girls had a volleyball game, Ash had her art show, Jake another swim meet, YW service project for Kaylee, track for Nathan, soccer games in Denver for Nathan and Rebecca, State Cup for Kaylee, date night for Stephen and I, parties with friends for some of the kids, … 

The only thing caught on camera though was the backyard soccer.  The kids came home from their soccer and immediately went out late Saturday afternoon for some more.


I love the mixed emotions in this one.  Jerrica had just gotten hurt and was being carried over to me.  Kaylee was giggling at the words Jerrica was using to describe her injuries.


Kaylee is on a mission to get her strike stronger.  I just wish that she would grow a little to have some more power.  She is just so small!

 Soc9 Soc10 Soc11 

There was a bit of holding and slide tackling, which is what you have to resort to when playing older brothers.


Here Nathan whallops Bec on the side of the head before the picture.  Those two can’t get along, even with Kaylee in the middle!


Busy weekend, and the week doesn’t look any less busier.  :/


Ryan M. Spillane said...

Nathan has gotten tall. I love those kids!!

Ryan M. Spillane said...

Nathan has gotten tall. I love those kids!!