Jerrica lost another tooth. Literally LOST it! We couldn’t find it anywhere and there were lots of tears thinking that the tooth fairy was not going to come. I distracted her by having her write a letter to the tooth fairy explaining the problem. I LOVEd her picture she drew on the front, along with how she spelled “fairy”.
I found this link to a very talented lady that is sharing the “most funnest” journal pages. I have saved them to disc and am excited to print them up in a couple of journal books. Check them out HERE.

She has them filled with quotes, cute borders, and awesome prompt ideas. How sweet of her to share all of that work!
I’ve been reading like crazy because we are heavily into sports right now and there is always time as I wait here or there. I finished this Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity
What a glimpse into India! I was amazed at how widespread the corruption is in the hospitals, markets, police, slums … no one has money in the middle and lower classes. Everyone is constantly collecting extra money under the table to just do their job, because their real job doesn’t pay enough.
The author of this book is incredible! She is married to an Indian man and her research for the book and writing abilities are amazing. I couldn’t put it down. Then I went from a slum in India to my current book now that is set in a dump in Cambodia. I really need a happy light read after these!
Speaking of books, two different blog readers suggested these children’s books. They were right, we LOVED them! If you get a chance to buy or pick up these titles, they are so fun to read with the rhyme and illustrations.
The Circus Ship also by Chris Van Dusen is such a clever story woven with beautiful rhyme.
AND one last random, favorite thing.
My friend, Kim brought a bag of these over and I downed them in no time flat! Why do they only sell them at Easter, and why are they never in stock?!?!?!?
1 comment:
Hi Shauna,
I've been reading your blog for awhile now. I am inspired by the many creative ways you show your kids you love them. I've got 3 kiddos so far and hope to be able to have a few more. :)
Also, I had to smile when I saw the "Waking Beauty" by Leah Wilson as a favorite. I haven't seen that one, but we love "Falling for Rapunzel" by the same author. My little ones can quote some of it and get the giggles every time we read it. Another favorite is "Rattletrap Car" by Phyllis Root.
Oh man, I could talk books for a long time, (I used to be a children's librarian) but I won't use up any more of your comment space. If you ever need more ideas (for picture books up through teen), I would be happy for you to email me: linnaeharper [at] hotmail
I am also on
Take care!
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