Saturday, March 2, 2013


I enjoy reading motherhood books and articles.  Why?  Because I’m a mom. 

Anyway, I found this article on motherhood today over HERE and loved it!  This little story mixed into the article jumped out at me.

An old Chinese woman used to carry two water buckets that hung on both sides of a bamboo stick.

One of the buckets had a hole in it and the other bucket was whole, which meant that by the time the old woman reached her home from the well every day, the broken bucket was half empty.

After two years of spilling half its water, the broken bucket cried out to the old woman: “I am so ashamed of myself that I am broken! I spill so much water!”

The old lady just smiled. “Didn’t you ever notice that your side of the path is full of many beautiful flowers while the other side is empty? Because of your hole, an entire garden has grown.”

Chances are your mother wasn’t perfect…And chances are, also, that if you look at yourself and your life you will discover a surprising garden that has blossomed because of your broken bucket.

We all have weaknesses and areas where we fall short, but sometimes those weaknesses are turned into strengths.  Does the old Chinese woman give up on the water bucket with the hole?  NO!  She uses it.  We have to use what we have and make the best of it, growing our garden underneath.


Anonymous said...

Love this Shauna!


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for the motherhood book written by you! I will be the first in line to buy it! You are an amazing mom, Shauna! I'm proud to call you my friend!
Becky W