Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fall Picnic Days

My girls have half days on Fridays.  Sometimes they each have friends come over.  Sometimes we get all of our Saturday cleaning done.  AND Sometimes we pick up lunch and head straight to the park for a lazy afternoon.


Sure love this sweet little grin, grinning over at a silly sister…


My reader reading as usual…


Supposedly, its a good one!


I finished up my book that I have been reading. 

I can’t even imagine living with left neglect!  So many simple tasks that become time consuming to accomplish.  I appreciate how books open my eyes to other people’s worlds.  Sometimes I get stuck in my own little world and assume everyone else is living just like me, but oh how different our lives can be.

ANYWAY, there is something about laying under the shade of a tree, with the perfect weather, an icy drink, a good book, and my girls by my side.  It’s heaven!

I just don’t like all the laundry and work that waits for me at home.  :(


Juf said...

Oh, the Moffats....I devoured those books when I was her age! I don't remember them exactly, but they were good wholesome reading, I do believe.

Libby said...

I love the Moffats! A great series. Ah those where the clean book days...