Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Little Bits of Randomness

Ashley and I were walking to the parking lot after her field day.  She ran up to the cross walk guard and threw her arms around the lady saying, “Mom, I want you to meet my favorite life guard”.  I quickly corrected her that she was a “crossing guard” and not a life guard.  She then quickly corrected ME.  “Are you serious!  This is a lady that saves lives from these fast cars that go by.  You wouldn’t just say crossing guard when she is really a life guard!”

The crossing guard was beaming just as big as Ashley.

Nathan is finally home.  He has been off at Mountain Lab with his 8th grade class.  He was THRILLED to share a cabin with 12 of his favorite friends AND have Mr Brunk as their chaperone. 

Missed You

Nathan is so good to pitch in and do jobs without me asking.  It was hard having him gone.  He really enjoyed the games, speakers, and FRIENDS!

Over the weekend the girls wanted a project so we made these skeletons. 


Do you notice anything special about their bones?….


Yes, each is quite unique with their own name.  Jerrica’s “J’s” jutted out for perfect clavicles.  Kaylee and Rebecca’s cursive names were fun.


Rebecca was trying to be scary by her skeleton and let’s just say she DOES look a little scary.  :)  I found the idea for this here - Name Skeletons



Rebekah said...

Those are awesome!

tren said...

LOVE that! I stopped celebrating Halloween last year, but we might have to work these in when the kids study anatomy in school. Too cute!

stephanie said...

Those skeletons are right up my alley and my kids will love them too! Thanks.

One of your many fans" said...

Those name skeletons are outrageously awesome! And the m n ms... Super!!!!

Jasmine said...

Oh my gosh!! Those skeletons are rad! :-) Have pinned it for when my kids are older!!! Love reading your blog!!

Mom of 12 said...

I love these skeletons! We are going to have to try that.

Unknown said...

Love this idea for 3rd grade Halloween party! The bows on the girls' skeletons are cute. What do you suggest for boys?

Stephen said...

We just made the same name skeletons into shirts. Maybe you could do a cap for the boys.

Unknown said...

I figured it out what I want to use for the boys... bow ties!

Unknown said...

How did you do it? (Also interested on how another commenter did as t-shirts?) The paint would dry so fast it seems?! Anxious to learn! xo

Karen said...

Great blog I enjoyeed reading

Recipes with Tom said...

I love how creative Ashley is with seeing heroes in everyday people.