Friday, November 8, 2013


The night before was our ward’s Trunk or Treat chili dinner.  It was SOOO cold outside!  Kaylee helped with friends inside the building do a little haunted house, and shoot the zombies activity.  The boys both had soccer and swim practices this night, they came for the dinner.


Ashley’s face cracks me up!  I had tights and boots for Jerrica on this night, BUT she insisted on her flip flops, which she soon regretted.

The next night I started feeling like all of my kids were getting older.  They were adamant about being with friends for Halloween.  I tried my hardest to make them bring their friends with us, yet in the end they went with friends.  We always do pizza with the Mumma’s and then walk around their neighborhood.  How does that look having FOUR adults walking around with just Jerrica?!?!?  I don’t want my kids to grow up.  :(

This year Ashley was a Zombie.  She went with her friend to the thrift store weeks before Halloween to find matching zombie clothes.  They both got pink shirts and these little half jackets, that were “way to cool to tear up”, according to Ash.  I really wanted her to be something cute like a princess or superhero, but she was going for scary.  We got zombie tattoos and latex peeling skin.  She wore different tattoos for the Trunk or Treat and Halloween.


I told her that she HAD to take one picture without a mean face, and look like a sweet zombie in it.  This is what I got….

Halloween26  Here she is with her friend Gabby, but Gabby doesn’t have her face make up on yet.


Jerrica was Little Red Riding Hood.  She wore her costume most of the month.  One day she called my mom to warn her that she was Little Red Riding Hood and that a wolf might be coming to her door. 

I really couldn’t believe how she wore that costume every day!


Hood Halloween2

Kaylee was a zombie for the Trunk or Treat night and then a Disco Diva for Halloween.  She went around with friends from soccer.  This girl could break it down with the moves she had going on.

Halloween20 Halloween21

Rebecca was Katniss.  We found the perfect jacket at the thrift store, combined with her new black boots, she had her an outfit!  The little girls helped her make arrows, and I made an arrow sling out of felt and a Pringle can.

 Halloween5 Katniss2 Katniss2 Katniss3 Katniss4

On Halloween, Nathan helped friends with a haunted house and Jacob had a Halloween swim thing.  The problem with the night was that everyone had to be at all of these different places at the same time.  :(  One quick pick of the girls costumes before they all departed.


One more Halloween down and in the books!

1 comment:

Janessa said...

I love all the costumes and the way your kids totally get in character! Their expressions are so great. And I agree, I don't want my kids to grow up either! At least not so fast! It's hard on the mamas.