Sunday, October 20, 2013

It’s Over

I always get sad when things are over.  The frost moved in and the garden is to bed for the winter.  We had an incredible harvest of tomatoes this year.  I canned four different batches, gave away baskets full, and fed my family tomatoes every day.


We gathered in bouquets this Fall to enjoy the flowers just a little longer.


I did get a couple of patches of garlic planted the first of October.  I cook with garlic A LOT!  There are so many different varieties and they just give that zing I need to my meats and dinners.


What I like about garlic is that as I’m harvesting the other, I can still be planting.

I’m sad gardening is over!  Bring out the good books and sewing projects, the cold weather is calling me to snuggle up.

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