Saturday, April 27, 2013

Toothpaste Tip

Here’s your tip of the day.

My girls had been going through toothpaste like no tomorrow.  Every night when they would come down asking for more toothpaste for their bathroom I was thinking, “WOW, these girls are sure brushing their teeth A LOT”.

Well, then I was up cleaning through drawers and cupboards in their bathroom.  I found THIRTEEN tubes all twisted and half empty in their drawer.  I’m a clean freak, SO I grossed out.  I did manage to take a picture on my phone to share with my dad because he is a toothpaste freak.


My dad always had one of those T toothpaste things you put on the end to roll it as you go.  When he was here last I showed him the picture of the drawer, and then shared with him my remedy.


He was quite impressed! 

It’s actually working  to solve our toothpaste problem.  The girls no longer have their huge twisted, toothpaste everywhere, tubes galore, and yet can’t get any out problem.  :)

Love you Dad!