Christmas Eve with all the kids in their new PJ's. Ashley was so cute. She was thrilled and screamed, "New Jamies!!!" Then as each one kept opening theirs she continued with her"WOW you got new jamies too!!" It was just cute how excited she was for each of them.

This year Jerrica loved getting under the tree and hiding. She always looked like such a cute little present hiding down there.

We always do doughnuts on a string on Christmas Eve. I think it's actually a Halloween thing, but we have done it as one of our games since the boys were little.

Of course we do the Thompson Family chimes to the Christmas carols. We read and acted out the nativity but I was videotaping and didn't get any pictures. This year we had two Marys. Rebecca and Kaylee BOTH had to be Mary.

Here is a shot of our graham cracker gingerbread house day. The kids were so creative with their candy.

Rebecca was really into getting fancy for Christmas. She was quite upset that I didn't have a Christmas outfit or shirt for her to wear. I gave her the special Santa hat, but that would not do. We had to curl her hair as well and put on red lipstick. She is always so into getting fancy.

When I was a little girl we would always make our beds right after we opened presents and then run spread our loot out on our bed. Mom would take a picture ot us and all our gifts for our scrapbooks. I even remember Grandma Jackie and aunts coming down to see our beds. Anyway, I kept this tradition with our kids. It's good to get everything in their rooms and then layed out so they can play with their stuff during the day. Anyway, here are a couple pictures of my kids with their beds and then me when I was little.

Jerrica's christmas bed picture. She loved her talking push car. The girls took the elephant Webkinz from Jerrica, since she is "just too little to really do it"

The girls christmas bed. Kaylee got a 10 pixel digital camera. She is quite the photographer. The family got the Wii Fit game. Kaylee was our champion hula hooper and was constantly trying to beat her record. Sadly enough, she was incredible sore the next day. Her hips and stomach REALLY hurt her. I think I may need to do that game daily!!!

Each one of the kids get ONE big gift from Santa and then the rest are from us. Here is what each of them got from Santa. Rebecca got a karaoke machine. She constantly is singing!!!

Nathan got Guitar Hero and his Star Wars Unleashed games.

Jacob got the Spore computer game.

Ashley got her princess bike that she has been talking about for weeks now.

Some of the models that the boys made out of Legos.