Kristy had a big election party on Tuesday. She had ballots that the kids had to vote on. She added Grandpa Coley as an independent along with Obama and McCain. Needless to say, Grandpa won. Kristy also had blank US maps that the kids would fill in red or blue as the states were won. She had her house all decked out in red/white/blue. Stephen enjoyed the party trays and politics.
Other big events this week were a surprise birthday party for Kristy at Red Robin. She turned 30. We had the Spillane's and friends from basketball there. That same night I had our YW Evening in Excellence. We did an Olympic theme and had Bishop Roy come and speak. Brother Christensen acted like Bob Costas and interviewed the girls that have gotten their medalion this year. We had bouquets of flowers and big medals for them. I closed with my talk on how you spend hours practicing shooting, serving or whatever it may be so that come game time your shot will be natural, nothing awkward and you will be able to make it. It is the same with Personal Progress we spend hours reading our scriptures and doing projects so that when trials come it is only natural and easy for us to turn to our scriptures and fasting. Anyway, it's over and was a very nice evening.
And last but not least we are busy this week running to the basketball practices, games and friend playdates. I have really enjoyed watching the kids play their games this year. They are getting older and better. It's alo fun to hear them on the piano. They are really coming along and are enjoyable to listen to!!!
Wow, I just realized I don't even know all of Kristy's kids. It's been so long since I've been in touch with her. What a good political mom to go to all that trouble on election day!
You and your sisters seriously put Martha Stewart to shame!
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