Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Kaylee has been the secret student for the week.  I thought this was a fun idea, thanks to Alesha.  We bought her teacher Diet Coke (her favorite) and put it in a fun summer cooler.


I finished the Kitchen House.  LOVED it!  I’m in somewhat of a depression that the book and characters are over.

Nathan has been busy with a group project doing a poster for ‘To Kill a Mockingbird”.  We went out to our fence and took a picture of the ‘jeans that were left neatly folded on the fence’.  The girls in his group were in awe of his picture, so now he is just a bit more into photography.  ;)

Kill A Mocking Bird

My artists are still being artists.  I can’t believe how much all of these kids draw!  Rebecca colored a cool picture over spring break.  She said the stem of the big mushroom took FOREVER.

Bec Pic

Jacob made a nice Green Lantern picture.


I have some new recipes I need to share, but that will have to wait until the next random post because I’m too tired to type them up.


tren said...

You said Rebecca colored that picture. Did she draw it as well?

gpa&gma said...

thank you for the recommondation on The Kitchen House. I LOVED IT! Please keep sharing with us.