Monday, July 14, 2014

More at Grandma’s

I have said before that we are crazy and try to scare our kids.  Aunt Betty is another classic one that scares EVERYONE!

Aunt BettyAunt Betty1Aunt Betty2Aunt Betty3Aunt Betty4

The kids were always in the cookie and candy jars, especially Ben.


Snakes are in abundance in the valley.  We caught a really long, big one.  We could tell that it had just eaten something by the size of it and watching whatever was inside moving.  If my boys had been down there, they probably would’ve dissected it for us.

Fat Snake

These three stayed in the fifth wheel the entire time.  It was their “home”.  I think they do this to get out of jobs and babysitting the little ones.


Mom’s yard is always beautiful.  I loved her Columbines…


Little yard workers for grandma.  I think they liked working outside so they could drive the riding lawn mower around.  Dad constantly had a job for them to do.

Garden Girls3GrandpaGrandpa2Grandpa3

Kristy tried her hand at chalk hairdo’s with all of the girls, AND grandma too!

Hair ChalkHair Chalk2Hair Chalk3

Favorite dinner hands down was out at the fire pit.  My dad has the hamburger mastered!

Hotdog RoastHotdog Roast2Hotdog Roast4

Fire PitHotdog Roast3Hotdog Roast5Hotdog Roast6Hotdog Roast8Hotdog Roast9Hotdog Roast10

This is the JD that all of the girls would fight over.  For some reason, it’s fun to drive around and around at 2mph.


Each group of cousins have matching shirts.  Jerrica and Kinsley had to do a picture of


Jump rope2PlayPlay2Play3

The sugar shack up town is a quick afternoon pick me up for ALL of the cousins…

Sugar ShackSugar Shack2

Sunsets are beautiful as well as all of the stars in the sky at night.


We celebrated Sydney’s birthday.  These three were lucky to be the same age and get to go on a date with Aunt Kristy to Chili’s and Maurices.  Kristy kind of spoiled all three!

Syd Birthday2

Dad’s rotating teeter totter has lines waiting to play on it.


We also took a visit to the pop can castle in Antonito, as well as their splash pad.

The CastleWater PArk2

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