Monday, November 12, 2012

Special Days

The kids have special days at school where they dress up and learn more about whatever they are studying.  They rotate through stations, and just have a blast doing something other than regular school.

Ashley had Egyptian day. 

Egyptian Day3

They wrote in hieroglyphics using a little chart, made a paper pyramid and hid a mummy in it, they ate “Egyptian” treats, and Ashley’s favorite was making papyrus.  They used paper towel strips and would dip them in a glue/tea solution.  Then would lay them in their tray alternating vertically and horizontally.

Egyptian Day Egyptian Day2

Rebecca had explorer day.  She did her report on Marco Pollo.  Her map was incredible.  I love helping with the explorer scavenger hunt.  The kids divide into explorer ships and use a map of the school and playground to find gold coins, which they trade in for chocolate gold coins. 


Kaylee had Greek day.  I think she was way excited for the Greek food, to only be disappointed that a Greek restaurant hadn’t catered for the day.  That girl and her food critiquing!  She did enjoy all of the games and activities they had.  She made this fancy t-shirt with friends for the big day!

Greek Day

And my boys … they don’t get the special days anymore, just tests and papers.



tren said...

Aren't those special school days fun!? They do help break the monotony. I love Ashley's dress!

T.Irwin said...

Wow! I don't remember having these kind of days when I was in school. It makes me wonder if my niece and nephews have these kind of days in their school. I hope so.

It's a brilliant way to engage them in learning about a time that could be so boring.

Anonymous said...

what a fun way to make school interestin. I wish we had something like that when I was going to school.