Thursday, November 1, 2012


Every year for a decade now we have went to the Mumma’s for Halloween.  We eat a little pizza and then walk around with friends chatting away as the kids run from house to house. 

Rebecca was a vampire this year.  She was quite frustrated with her fangs and fake blood, so we ditched them and I promised her she still looked awesome!

Vamp  Vamp3  Vamp5 Vamp6

For some reason Ashley had it in her head to be a clown this year. She wanted enough hellium balloons to tie on her candy bucket, that she wouldn’t have to carry it. “Mom, maybe 50 balloons would work”. I didn’t get the 50 balloons, nor the over sized shoes that she thought was necessary. She was a cute clown though!

Clown Clown4


Kaylee was a witch AGAIN.  She has been a witch for a decade now.  She ditched us to go trick or treating with friends.  I wish that I had a picture of them, but a pic of Kaylee right before she left will have to do…


Jerrica was my little witch.  She was quick to point out that Kaylee was copying her costume.

Little Witch3

Rebecca made me smile.  As we were trick or treating, she was constantly eating treats as we were walking.  I couldn’t believe how much she was eating, but then today when I saw Stephen’s desk COVERED with little candy bar wrappers, I knew she was her father’s child.  :)


These two thought they were going trick or treating to EVERY house in the neighborhood, but quickly realized that feet get tired of walking and hands get tired of carrying all of that candy.


Stephen and I only had the three younger ones with us.  The older ones were busy with their friends.  Nathan helped with a fun haunted house in the garage of a friend.  When we were done trick or treating we went over to that neighborhood to check it out.  I was quite impressed with how well they did!

Haunted House

The perfect weather, funny friends, sweet candy and conversation made Halloween AWESOME!

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