Monday, November 7, 2011

Harvest FHE

We had a harvest lesson for family home evening a couple of weeks ago.  It was a perfect lesson for all of us and fit the season.

I told a cute harvest story to begin.  Then we discussed how people desire a lot of different talents and different types of education.  The key word is desire because some never follow up to attain their goal.  It’s like pouring over a seed catalog and choosing what you want to grow.  Then once you have made your selections and have the seeds, they aren’t planted but just sit there waiting.  You must take necessary steps to grow a plant.  You need soil, water, light, weeding, fertilizing…  It is the same with our goals and dreams.  You can’t just pick out what you want to do and let the list sit there.  You must take the steps to achieve it.  I then challenged them to outline and plan in detail what they need to do to reach their goals.

Harvest FHE

I then gave each of them a little reminder for their bulletin boards in their rooms.  The boys’ reminder was pretty much a pumpkin seed glued to a magnet.  Yet, it’s still a reminder for them. 

We also discussed how many times we see others’ harvest and don’t realize all of the planting and cultivating it took for them to achieve that.  There is definitely hard work involved!

We really can’t harvest our reward if we aren’t planting and nurturing today.

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