Friday, January 9, 2015

New Year’s Posters

We did our traditional goal posters for FHE this week.  I had to roll my eyes when Nathan held his up.


Ya that’s my overachiever, Nathan!

Jerrica made us all laugh out loud.  She has major anxiety when it rains because our basement flooded a couple of years ago.  She found a picture of a boy playing in the rain and announced that she was going to be like the boy and smile when it rained.




We talked about how to set a goal with the reason why we are going to do it and listing the steps of how we are going to do it.  I explained that it’s not enough just making a goal and never making the steps to achieve it.


We ended with the quote in the New Era in the section all on goals.  I loved it!

“Even though we might fall short of our finish line, just continuing the journey will make us greater than we were before.”  - President Uchtdorf

Isn’t that so true!  We pointed out that Stephen has been practicing the piano and guitar a lot lately.  Even if he doesn’t stick with it forever, he is now farther along than he was before!  We talked about how it is more important to run the race than just stay at the starting line, AND you never know, we may just finish the race of whatever goal we are striving to achieve!


Love the new year and the fresh start it gives me!

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