Monday, January 5, 2015

Bits of Christmas Part TWO

The boys got new XBox games and disappeared into them for DAYS


They did reappear to go see Unbroken and the Hobbit.

Christmas Eve we had Lael, Keith’s family, my parents and Jane.  We had tons of appetizers, played the chimes, did an Elf movie trivia game, a gift exchange and another cheesy game I had.  The big girls played their flutes, we acted out the nativity and then Jane played the piano for all of us to sing Hymns.


The kids opened PJ’s for their night present.



We had a wide array of presents.  There were clothes, games, tablets, violins, shoes for every sport for Rebecca, just a big variety of gifts for everyone.

Bec Shoes

A cool nail nativity from my mom.  She also gave me a set of embroidered dishtowels.  Love homemade gifts ….( loved the money too mom)

Kim brought over a cool gift.  It was a DVD and then basket filled with stuff from the movie including food that was in the movie.  Wish that I had a pic of it!

Nail Nativity

We LOVE games!  Aunt Lindsey gave us this game of Wackee Six and then a friend gave us Picwits.  Picwits is like Apples to Apples with pictures.  Super fun!


I am just thrilled to not be sick anymore!  Sad though that I didn’t get more pictures to remember everything!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! I love that nail nativity! Was it homemade? Or can I buy it somewhere?
