Monday, October 27, 2014

Mr. Bones

Last week I helped a sweet friend with a haunted forest.  While we were working, she brought out this life size skeleton and then talked about how fun it would be to pose around the house.  She then stuck him on the swing in the backyard.  He looked almost cute swaying in the breeze.

I went home and decided “that” would be my new Halloween decoration for the season.  He has been a BLAST!  I can’t believe how many times he startles me during the day because I forget he is there.

We had him in the piano room on the first day.



He loves to play X-Box LIVE because it makes him feel ALIVE!


He goes up and down the stairs with ease.


He takes breaks in the red bathroom.  I think I scared Rebecca good on this one. 


We had him chillin’ in Nathan’s room with his headphones, books, music and all.


I think he will make appearances in our tub, shower, pantry, garage, laundry room, at the computer …  The list is endless!


Libby said...

Where did you get him? He looks better than the dollar store ones.

Love the poses!

Pam said...

And I bet one of his favorite songs is "Stayin Alive", lol. How fun. I got one from Target but they didn't have lifesize ones, darn.