Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rainier Cherries

Washington is filled with fruit.  I can’t believe how many fruit trees and bushes Stephen’s parents have in their yard.  We were picking fruit the first morning that we arrived.  One of the fruits that we picked and are enjoying are the Rainier cherries.  The tree was LOADED and the branches hung so low that the little girls could just stand and pick.  I wish that I had a tree like this in MY backyard. Washington2 Washington3 Washington9 Washington10

Grandma Brenda had little baskets for each of the girls to pick their cherries. Some contemplated each cherry, whether it should go in the bucket or in her mouth….


Others just popped them in their mouth, one after another.


Why do we have to have late frosts in Colorado that kill any fruit on the trees?!?!?


Teachinfourth said...

We had cherry trees in our yard growing up. They were not a thrill. I guess it's all about perspective...

And whether or not you like cherries.

Mrs. Carter said...

These would shrivel and die in so so so so jealous!!! Oranges have NOTHING on cherries!!!