Saturday, February 7, 2015


I have always enjoyed doing my girls’ hair!  The time that they are stuck in front of me having their hair done is precious because they talk and open up about this and that.  When I finish then I can ooo and awe over how pretty they look.

I recently was closing out pictures off of my phone from last year and noticed a plethora of hair pictures done on ME!  They are now getting to the point where they want to do mind and then take a picture to show me their creation.  I LOVE it in more ways than one!


Here was a fun five strand braid that we did on Rebecca for church.


LOVE having my hair done!  LOVE time with my girls!

1 comment:

Libby said...

Your girls are so lucky to have you and your skill with hair. My only daughter had me and I didn't do much with her hair, well, because I can do the usual 3 strand braid and um, pig tails & pony tails. She's 25 now (when did that happen?) and can do her own hair--amazingly well--more like how you do!